COVID-19 has hit travel and hospitality harder than most industries, and that is saying something. In the U.S. we’re now nearly nine months into the pandemic, without an end imminently in sight. And in a touch less world, some fairly gimmicky tech now has a use.
“Venture outside and you’ll soon see them. Printed on posters and signs, pasted on pub walls and hotel lobbies, sellotaped to picnic tables in beer gardens: QR codes.” So says Wired UK.
It seems true, for the first time QR codes are useful, QR codes are finally good user experience. The Quick Response Codes, previously where mostly a gimmick, for something the “Wikipedia town“, the main use for the codes are to track parts, to be a bar code. But now along with masks, and hand sanitizer they let us resume some level of normal life.
Being able to sit down at a restaurant is moral boosting to say the least. And people sitting down at restaurants is needed to save the struggling hospitality industry. Don’t believe me listen to this Market Watch interview.