We don’t live in reality. Time is fractured and Chris Evans needs to put the infinity stones back. After Tom DeLonge from Blink-182 became the frontman of Stars Academy of Arts and Science we knew that reality was a little off, but now the U.S. Navy is demanding answers after videos the department confirmed are real were leaked by Delonge.
“The Navy considers the phenomena contained/depicted in these videos as unidentified,” an official spokesperson for Naval Operations for Information Warfare reportedly told the Black Vault.
The first video was released originally by the New York Times in 2017 reporting on the Pentagon’s mysterious UFO program. Some Navy pilots recorded video of an oblong object seemingly floating with their off the coast of San Diego in 2004.
The second video called “Gimbal” was caught on camera on Jan. 21, 2015, the date came out as a result of The Black Vaults’ request for information. This video also shows U.S. Navy pilots trying to figure out what they are seeing.
The third video by To the Stars Academy called “GoFast” was also recorded on Jan. 21, 2015, prompting some to think it’s the same object as seen in the Gimbal video.
If you hope to get your mitts on official government reports of UFO sightings, don’t hold your breath. The Navy told Vice News, the reports would be considered classified information, and “no release of information to the general public is expected.”
We live in strange times.