Researchers at MIT have developed an AI called RiskCardio. They say the AI is able to estimate a patient’s risk of cardiovascular death after a 15-minute ECG reading. Scientists trained the AI with data from past patient outcomes.
If a patient survived, their heartbeats are call normal; if a patient died, their activity was dubbed high risk. RiskCardio judges risk from a sample consecutive heartbeats. When data is captured within 15 minutes of a cardiac event, the AI can determine whether or not someone will die within 30 days. The full story here.
But that’s not the only big AI in health care news I found. The FDA cleared an AI-powered mobile X-ray device. The AI can prioritize critical cases for a collapsed lung and prioritizes the human review of the X-Ray. Sometimes, right now it can take up to eight hours for a human to review even an x-ray marked urgent.
The hope is AI will offer automated quality checks and hopefully detect errors in the way the x-ray is taken before it is sent to radiologists. Full story here.
Oh and Google will help Mayo Clinic build a digital strategy. Part of that strategic roadmap is setting up to use, AI tools for medical research of complex diseases.
“Health care is one of the most important fields that technology will help transform over the next decade, and it’s a major area of investment for Google,” Google CEO Sundar Pichai said in a statement. Full story here
I mean it when I say AI, may soon save your life.
Stories by Internet News Flash – ZDNet & Star Tribune